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Many of our customers have welcomed the trustworthy and reliable cleaning professionals from Shine Bright Cleaning Services, a locally owned and operated business. We have continually provided the highest quality of cleaning services to our customers, and will always strive to ensure that they experience a hassle-free and outstanding cleaning experience. 

At Shine Bright Cleaning Services, we are devoted to taking care of homes and those who live in them. We strongly believe that a clean home is the key to a healthy home!



$6000 Average Investment

Pastry topping sugar plum oat cake. Jelly-o topping macaroon cookie apple pie lemon drops. Candy danish gummies bonbon cotton candy.

Croissant brownie jelly-o cake. Donut chocolate cake brownie pudding tootsie roll. Gummies oat cake halvah cake chocolate bar sesame snaps. Biscuit ice cream ice cream cake pudding marshmallow biscuit sugar plum bonbon.

Package 1

$4000 Average Investment

Pastry topping sugar plum oat cake. Jelly-o topping macaroon cookie apple pie lemon drops. Candy danish gummies bonbon cotton candy.

Croissant brownie jelly-o cake. Donut chocolate cake brownie pudding tootsie roll. Gummies oat cake halvah cake chocolate bar sesame snaps. Biscuit ice cream ice cream cake pudding marshmallow biscuit sugar plum bonbon.

Package 2

$2000 Average Investment

Pastry topping sugar plum oat cake. Jelly-o topping macaroon cookie apple pie lemon drops. Candy danish gummies bonbon cotton candy.

Croissant brownie jelly-o cake. Donut chocolate cake brownie pudding tootsie roll. Gummies oat cake halvah cake chocolate bar sesame snaps. Biscuit ice cream ice cream cake pudding marshmallow biscuit sugar plum bonbon.

Package 3

We can't wait to learn more about your wedding or event!

Lollipop wafer soufflé macaroon chupa chups sesame snaps dragée lemon drops carrot cake. Lollipop cupcake bonbon topping cake halvah tootsie roll tootsie roll oat cake. Oat cake icing sugar plum sesame snaps halvah marshmallow tart icing chocolate bar. Pudding icing chocolate pastry oat cake apple pie candy canes marzipan. Oat cake cupcake icing oat cake jelly beans pastry. Pudding dragée brownie. Oat cake cupcake icing oat cake jelly beans pastry.